If Mother Earth can grab us this much, why don't we take better care of her? This is the paradoxical focus of the documentary Home. You see, sometimes a helicopter perspective of things is helpful. Last night i viewed the Home project by renowned French photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand at Cinemateket in Copenhagen, with representatives from UNFPA/United Nations Population Fund, WFP/World Food Programme, and EEA/European Environment Agency present to take questions afterwards. The purpose is to create awareness about the effects of climate change on the blue planet.
The documentary of planet Earth seen from the sky is a breathtaking film, with astonishing images and a dramatic narrative voice to fill in the statistics. And although the statistics flew by much faster than the helicopter, the impression made by Bertrand's documentary is permanent. Hopefully the impression lasts enough for world leaders to take appropriate measures at COP15 in December to stop the above two percent warming catastrophic effects. Please go see.
For further information about the Home project, please see: