News about the Iranian uranium facility were the topic during a UN press conference Monday with the Turkish Secretary General Ihsanoglu of OIC (Organisation of Islamic Conference), representing 57 member states with at least 50 percent Muslims, and is the second largest international organisation after the UN. He responded to the questions about the facility and of possible sanctions towards Iran:
'Any country has the right to produce safe nuclear power. IAEA, the international atomic energy agency, should be the decisive authority. And there should be no double standards. Neither towards Iran nor other countries. Sanctions won't help, because they also affect populations. As we witnessed in Iraq. And we shouldn't repeat mistakes from Iraq,' was the immediate response from OIC Secretary General Ihsanoglu.
To the specific question of a harder line towards Iran from USA, he mentioned that with the help from ambassador Dr. Ali Akbar Salehi, assistant Secretary General for science, technology, cultural and sociale affairs in OIC - a man who also happens to be from Iran - has investigated the recent information, and that Iran had already briefed IAEA about the uranium station. So eventhough the OIC Secretary General saw no problem in casu Iran, he did express an understanding for the worry from the international community, that nuclear weapons might fall into the hands of the wrong states.
'We don't want to be taken hostage to the fanatics,' the OIC Secretary General stated.
When the same question was posed to UN Vice-Secretary General B. Lynn Pascoe at a later press conference at the UN, he expressed himself in a more balanced way.
'We are against the spreading of nuclear weapons, and we want to promote the ideal of non-proliferation. We lean on the IAEA. There is nothing new in our position, it has been consistent. Iran should respect all of the resolutions by the Security Council, and should negotiate effectively. We don't believe in sanctions,' B. Lynn Pascoe stated Monday on behalf of the UN Secretary General, before his press conference Tuesday. 
The press conference Tuesday was set from 10-10:30 am, but exceded the time frame by ten minutes. And the questions were mostly about the uranium facility in Iran. Apart from a few questions about the situation in Afghanistan and Somalia. About the meeting between the UN Secretary General and Ahmedinejad, the UN SG took on the same diplomatic approach as the UN Vice-SG:
'I encouraged him to open to the full inspections of the IAEA. I encouraged him to take on a constructive role. When he argued for a peaceful use of nuclear energy, I said that Iran has the burden of proof. I said to him, that despite this good conversation, there was still a gap in the mutual understanding. I encouraged him to bridge this gap. I am to meet with the Iranian leader again later today. This meeting will be on topics like nuclear energy, food security, powerty, and other topics. But I can't reveal more about the contents of a private meeting with Ahmedinejad,' Ban Ki-moon (sic!) stated.