The event took place this weekend at the Social Liberal national congress on the mid-Denmark island of Funen. Aptly so to build bridges in Danish geography as well as politics.
The award was motivated by current Social Liberal party leader Margrethe Vestager:
'His opionions are characterized by freedom of speech, equality for all, respect for minorities, and tolerance. So much so that he has been accused of being 'just as bad as a Social Liberal person'.'
Why the handbag is merely cast in silver is unclear. But as the old saying goes, Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden - it fits the prize winner, who puts his nose into everything, speaks out on any political issue, and can't be stopped. Always in a forward fashion. Which is very un-Danish as most Danes go. This has earned him the nick name of The Big Nose, and he also has several Big Noses to his name - which is a term for a political blunder, and the opposite of an award - some of them even with Social Liberal votes. He even sticks his nose out a decade after his leadership of The Liberals and his high ranking position in Danish politics. Why he was never appointed Prime Minister was once pinpointed by former PM Poul Schlüter from The Conservatives (C) when asked if Uffe Ellemann-Jensen could someday become PM: 'Yes, maybe - but not in Denmark'.
After receiving the prize, the prize winner Uffe Ellemann-Jensen responded to Paradoxical News:
'It's a reminder that you can't trample the Social Liberals under foot, and I think awarding me was quite Liberal and broad-minded.'
Thus referring to the current political position of the Social Liberals after being dumped by the two major opposition parties.
Among other things Uffe Ellemann-Jensen was suggested to use the silver handbag for storing all of his Noses. And Marianne Jelved herself commented on this:
'He always leads. And is not afraid of being unpopular and taking the hits in battles. The Noses haven't all been fair.'