No sooner is Paradoxical News back from a relieving hiatus, before the paradoxical news overflow with undiminished force...
In anticipation of a granted support from the electorate Australian de facto PM Julia Gillard has set a date for the next election. Welsh-born Gillard from the Australian Labour Party has announced an Australian election on 21st August. Not long ago - end of June - she took over from former PM Kevin Rudd, who stepped down. And now she will be up against opposition leader, centre-right Liberal Tony Abbott, for the upcoming election.
Now, it just might be the bewilderment of the heatstruck editor-in-chief of Paradoxical News - but isn't a generally accepted practice of good governance in democracies to ask the voters before you form government? And after an election? Or have de facto PM's become the new best practice? It certainly is an entertaining ride to watch practically all world leaders and politicians shift positions within a span of a few months to a few years. PN simply couldn't survive if it weren't for this flow of fantastic news!
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