Sunday, 26 September 2010
PN Anniversary and Prize Win!
Monday, 30 August 2010
Meta-Comment No. 26
Hope In Our Time
PN Strike Status
Monday, 23 August 2010
PN Update
Sunday, 8 August 2010
PN Update
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Paradoxical Hierarchy
Nice to Know vs. Need to Know
Apart from the severe human disasters during floods in Pakistan, China and elsewhere killing hundreds of people and leaving countless people homeless - very sad events - July/August are known to be slow news periods. Because everybody is on holiday. Apparently some more than others, judging from Danish politicians being criticised for not participating in political meetings in Europe, like Danish Lene Espersen (C). Or the continuing story of opposition leader Helle Thorning-Schmidt (A) and her husband's tax case. Both subject to stories unveiled by the press as secrets exposed. Both having to stand trial in the public street court of the media.
Luckily we have the story of Chelsea Clinton marrying her love, Marc Mezvinsky, in New York. Although undoubtedly a cheerful story, also a story weighed with the same importance as a flood in Pakistan killing 800 people. In the midst of the sad loss of human lives (important), and the sensational cat fight between opposing political characters based on trustworthyness (not important in a broader perspective, since everybody makes mistakes) - paradoxically the media will give the people, what they want to know. More so than what is important to know.
For further information, please see:
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Paradoxical Diversification
The PN editor-in-chief is thrilled by the new challenges:
'It all comes as a great surprise. I've worked with television and radio before, but as a journalist. This new opening gave me the chance to explore the electronic media, to work with experienced people in the industry, and to challenge and test myself in areas that had been unexplored until now,' she explains after having produced three new tv segments for two different channels.
Until further notice, the paradoxical diversification will not change the situation for this niche publication. Paradoxical News will continue to produce news about national and international paradoxes for as long as they continue to flow - and for as long as the journalists at PN can manage to work under the strained conditions.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Aussie Election Paradox

Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Le Quatorze Juillet

Monday, 12 July 2010
Côte d'Azur - Part Three

Côte d'Azur - Part Two

Côte d'Azur - Part One

Paradoxical Update
Paradoxical News spent one week of hiatus providing news for the travel and culture sections. PN regrets to its followers the discontinued flow of updates, but will revert soon with the latest.
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Fourth of July
Saturday, 3 July 2010
One Giant Boat Ride

To Keep the Taxi Drivers Happy
PN spoke with a DSB train driver, whose job it was - every other day or so - to drive a train from one part of Southern Denmark to another late at night. Since he couldn't get to and from the initial point without making use of a taxi, this was the solution for DSB. The ride would amount to just above 1.400 Danish kroner (almost 300 US dollars) one way - the same amount or a little less back from his ending station. When he was not on guard, someone else would be. So according to our DSB man, this kind of taxi trip is taking place every day, year round, to an app. cost for DSB of one million Danish kroner per month - or 12 million Danish kroner per year.
PN wondered if it wouldn't be easier to get someone else in the staff, who lived closer by, to make the train drive - instead of this overuse of taxi rides on the DSB budget. And since 100 percent owned by the state, on tax payer money. He just shook his head - go figure!
Now, perhaps 12 million Danish kroner doesn't sound alarming to an approximate DSB turn over of 11 billion Danish kroner. But still, since the tax payers are paying - wouldn't that be an obvious area to make cutbacks? And perhaps in reality ensure Trains on Time. By simply planning the staffs on guard to fit the rides a little better? Or is DSB just trying to keep the taxi drivers happy?
Not For Lack of Trying
Monday, 28 June 2010
Gee Twenty Wizzards
The United States Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, (who served as an international affairs advisor for the Clinton administration, and later worked with The Federal Reserve Bank/FED in New York and later the International Monetary Fund/IMF) said that progress was being made on new capital standards, although disagreements remained.
The US Financial Stability Board is also working on rules in order to tighten regulation of hedge funds and debt rating agencies; to set restrictions on executive pay to discourage excessive risk-taking; and to push trading of derivatives onto open markets. The Congressional legislation, which is expected to be handled by President Obama next week, includes similar provisions in those areas.
So major banks are to face tougher regulation in Washington, after the Obama administration's regulatory means, but will not have to face a new set of global rules on capital and liquidity anytime soon, following the agreements at the present G20 summit in Toronto. So the G20 members will reunite in Seoul, South Korea, in November to lay down the rules for the banking industry.
For further information, please see:
Play for Win-Win
Games are all good and fine. But are you an ultimate gamer and gambler? Do you gamble with other people's lives and health? There is only one way to stop yourself from doing that: yourself. If you turn the game around an put yourself in the place of the game figure, you're trying to destroy. In real life, would you still click the same button? Or would you want others to push it? The game looks an awful lot different when you are the game figure to be destroyed, doesn't it? Don't play the ultimate game, if you wouldn't want it played to yourself. Play for life. Play for win-win.
Pope In Action Against Child Abuse

Mexican Mourning

Sunday, 27 June 2010
US Supreme Justice Hearings
Other issues expected to be raised is her views on controversial areas like gun rights, same sex marriage, and abortion. Republicans hold up the Roberts standard as one Ms. Kagan must embrace to win their support, reffering to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Junior, nominated by the Bush administration in 2005. According to Ed Whelan, the president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a conservative research organization, the Kagan hearings may come down to the standards for judging set forth by the president and the chief justice. It will be, Mr. Whelan said, 'the battle between the empathy standard and the umpire analogy,' according to The New York Times.
In baseball, the umpire is the person charged with officiating the game, including beginning and ending the game, enforcing the rules of the game and the grounds, making judgment calls on plays, and handling the disciplinary actions.
For further information, please see:
Brits Will Redraw from Afghanistan
For further information, please see:
Meta-Comment No. 25
Saturday, 26 June 2010
The Magnificent Eight

'I have made it clear that we need sustainable growth and that growth and intelligent austerity measures don't have to be contradictions,' Mrs Merkel told journalists.
British PM David Cameron agreed that different measures could compliment each other.
'...But we can’t afford it, say the advocates of austerity. Why? Because we must impose pain to appease the markets.
First, it assumes that markets are irrational – that they will be spooked by stimulus spending and/or encouraged by austerity even though the long-run budget implications of such spending and/or austerity are trivial.
Second, we’re talking about punishing the real economy to satisfy demands that markets are not, in fact, making. It’s truly amazing to see so many people urging immediate infliction of pain when the US government remains able to borrow at remarkably low interest rates, simply because Very Serious People believe, in their wisdom, that the markets might change their mind any day now.
It all depends - on the situation, the economic nation, and the eyes that see - seems to be the paradox here.
Merchants of Doubt
This, she claims, can be seen in areas like the doubt created by the tobacco industry and lobbyists regarding the health hazards to smoking, even though numerous scientific results for years had documented that there were hazards. Other areas of doubt-mongering include topics like acid rain, the ozon layer, global climate change, etc.
PN made an interview on camera, to be edited in another connection. Among the questions were, if her point didn't have the liking to and could be perceived as a conspiracy theory?
Naomi Oreskes' response was that it isn't - but that caution should be taken when a scientist in one area of expertise acts as a government advisor in an entirely different area of expertise. She mentions American scientist Frederick Seitz, who worked with the development of the nuclear bomb as a young physicist. Later a headmaster at the Rockefeller University, and chairman at the US National Academy of Sciences (NSA) in the 1960'ies. He was hired by the tobacco industry to stimulate scientific research that showed no health hazards to smoking. Later, scientific research has been worldwide accepted, that there is a connection between smoking and the development of various lung diseases, including cancer.
Another more recent example she gives, is Danish scientist Bjørn Lomborg, who advises the government on global climate change - even though his background is economic. PN tried in vain to get in touch with Bjørn Lomborg several times for a comment/response to this critique.
More Students at Large

Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Clear As McChrystal

Liberal-Conservative EU Cat Fight
Danish member of the European Parliament for the Liberals (V), Jens Rohde, now criticises Foreign Secretary Lene Espersen for suggesting an abolishment of farm subsidies in the European Union. Always a hot and difficult topic to tackle, because the European Union was initiated and based on trading coal and steel, and later primarily farmed products and it has a large farming lobby.
In particular, he finds the statement and the signals it sends to the European countries troublesome up to the Danish chairmanship to begin in 2012. Now adding to the critique of Foreign Secretary Espersen for her cancellation of an important Arctic forum with US Foreign Secretary Clinton in Canada end of March. Lene Espersen has responded by stressing the importance of a more market oriented economy in this area and in general.
For further information, please see:
A Tax Loop Hole Fixed
Jet-Trade is not at liberty to sell jet boats, jet ski and boat trailers in the city of Aarhus - and then have the customers pick up the traded goods in Germany - for the sake of avoiding Danish VAT. Several companies speculate in this loop hole business tactic, profitting on the VAT differences between Germany and Denmark (19 and 25 percent, respectively). Jet-Trade lost their case in a principle ruling in the Danish Supreme court. All nine of nine Supreme Court justices backed the claim made by the Inland Revenue Department.
'Merchants are creative minds, but there are limits as to how creative you can be in the attempt at avoiding Danish VAT,' says Troels Lund Poulsen, Minister for the Inland Revenue Department. He now plans to look further into the rules and regulations of trade across boarders.
Jet-Trade's delivery, cf. the Danish revenue law article § 4. no. 1, 2. paragraph, originally happened to the customer and not to transporter Fleggaard. Since the boat was in Denmark at the time of delivery, when the transport to Germany started, the place of delivery is defined as Denmark, cf. the revenue law article § 14, no. 2, 1. paragraph, and for that reason the VAT was to be paid in Denmark.
For further information, please see:
To Tax or Not to Tax

Break Up Interpretations

The Only Way Is Up

Welcome to the world of politics, to the political game - and to your personal Hamiltonian, Wilsonian, Jeffersonian, and Jacksonian all at once! (see link below) The paradox of which is: Down is the best possible vantage point. From here it all looks a lot brighter, because there is only one way to go from here. The only ways is up.
For further information, please see:
Students At Large

Sunday, 20 June 2010
Saturday, 19 June 2010
World Cup Challenge

This major-minor paradox caught the attention of Paradoxical News. Obviously Denmark winning over a major soccer nation like Holland, would take a lot - and could therefore not be expected. But an own goal doesn't help the cheering crowds of supporters.
Denmark is fortunate to have some of the most peace loving, cheering, joyful supporters - the so-called Roligans (derived from the Danish word for peaceful, quiet, easy tempered). They even have 10 commandments of good conduct. And they do all they can to support the Danish soccer team around the world. They use singing in stead of horns. They ban fighting over games with competitor supporters and others. They show respect when competitor national songs are played. And one of their commandments is to give full support, even when things look the bleakest.
What is needed for the upcoming match of Denmark vs. Cameroon is a win. That win will not be ensured going black over the first loss. But to beat it up a notch and staying with the life affirming, joyful, loving spirit - on the bright side. And it will work out. Remember that Danish teams will gain support from many other countries against Cameroon.
Help is close at hand for the Danish soccer team. And its own supporters. There is an unwritten law that ensures Danish players automatic support from its Nordic neighbours - Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland - whenever and whereever they participate in international competion. As is the case of the World Cup, the European Cup, the European song contest, etc. Nordic neighbours will simply root for each other, when not in play themselves - against any international competitor. So that's one place the support will come from.
Another will be based on simple identification. This principle that is so important for the journalist in any kind of story - news, features, sports. Idenfication will save the day. Sports is as honours game. Friendships, alliances, tradition, and very importantly - the flag - will influence sympathies and support. So it will also come to Denmark from other European countries, and other overseas allies (like USA, Australia, New Zealand).
And due to identification, it will most likely come from other nations both participating in other games, and not participating, but watching. And rooting. Other nations that share the same colours of the flag - the Danish Dannebrog, with the colours of red and white - either one of them, or both. So chin up, the rooting and support will also come from an unseen place. The colours of the flag will cheer and root Danes to a win. If you stay on the bright and life affirming side.
For further information, please see:
Sorry, the Magic Word
Referring to the tons of oil that affected the livelihood of millions of Americans, devasted natural life, affected the ecology in the Mexican Gulf region. After President Obama on several occasions showed intent and responsibility over the natural disaster. The next step for Obama will be to ensure the clean-up, to call for renewed focus on renewable energy, and to create new jobs in the region.
The BP CEO didn't just take responsibility on behalf of his company – CSR style (Corporate Social Responsibility). In this way, he simultaneously soothed the people of the Mexican Gulf region. With one statement to let them know he was sorry. Sorry, the magic word. Followed by the magic action.
For further information, please see:
Blockade - To Lift or Not to Lift
So the paradoxical question is, why does it end up with Israel conducting its own investigation, merely overseen by international monitors - and not with an impartial international body of investigation? The paradox that PN would like to propose to Israel is this (admittedly the example is worn, but easily understandable): Following the war crimes after World War II - would Israel have allowed the German government to investigate itself? The example is horrible, because we all share the condemnation of the magnitude of the horrid events, but the German government and the German people didn't think they were doing anything wrong either. While a majority of countries in the international community condemned the actions. This is also the situation we have right here - a widespread international condemnation. PN is not talking magnitude, but principle alone.
The bold paradoxical question in general is this simple one: Can an internationally condemned action by one party - taking place in international waters or territory - be investigated by that very same party? It takes an awful lotta love. An unreasonable lotta love.
The next question is about the blockade itself. To lift or not to lift. It's all about security for Israel. But the blockade itself provides the tensions and the insecurity. So when in doubt, lift. The international community will stand further by Israel if the blockade is lifted. Ensuring its security.
For further information, please see:
The Soothing Word of Sorry
For further information, please see:
Whale Watching

In Denmark, a fin whale has stranded in Vejle fjord this week, after having swimmed around the Island of Funen for some weeks. It's the world's second largest living animal (seen upto 27 meters/88 feet) after the blue whale (upto 33 meters/108 feet). For days emergency rescuers have tried to push it back to sea, and last night a sudden overflow of water after flow shook it loose. Just one of those paradoxical news stories, that keeps everybody on their toes, whale watching, and holding their breaths to see what will happen next.
For further information, please see:{55492515-d5a0-41b5-8cc0-8f407c8fe0f5}
Local Jubilee
Meta-Comment No. 24
Now, why would Paradoxical News make all these references? Could it be for the simple reason that everything - everything - in this world revolves around money? You cannot provide sufficient food and drink, you cannot ensure your livelihood and accommocation, and you simply cannot move an inch without it. PN has now survived for several years without money in own pocket to maneuvre. So a little credit in hand for the effort would solve it all.
Saturday, 12 June 2010
The Magic of Magenta