Thursday, 31 December 2009
Happy New Year!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Happy Holidays!
Sunday, 20 December 2009
COP15 Deal According To Sarkozy
’Angela Merkel, Gordon Brown and I have met about twenty times to clarify our positions. With 192 nations present it has been difficult,’ Nicolas Sarkozy elaborates about the negotiations in Bella Center during the past few days, where he also spoke with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama several times.
’G20 can make decisions. But today we have had a crisis and a complete block. When you can't vote on anything, how are you to make decisions? There have been several countries with enormous power, because they know that when you can't reach a consensus, you can't make a decision. We have had a situation, where for instance the ambassador of Sudan has spoken on par with the American president and kansler Merkel. They haven't been on the same political level and with the same capacity for making decisions. This system has caused the collapse. So the system needs to be changed,’ the French president states his opinion.
At the press conference mainly comprising the French press, Nicolas Sarkozy was confronted with critical questions from the journalists. Among them one question was, if this wasn't simply a voluntary, political accord with no real legally binding engagements. Sarkozy replies:
’No the accord isn't voluntary, since the figures of each country will be published and attached as an annex to the accord. So the figures oblige politically. Second, there is an obligation to implement the accord about the precise figures into the national legislation. Each country is obliged to deliver the figures of their individual reduction objectives immediately. Not in 2020, but immediately. And each country is obliged to publish their reductions annually, so that inspections can verify them.’
Next stops: New York, Bonn, and Mexico:
PN confronted Nicolas Sarkozy with the question of an international legally binding deal for all countries.
’We didn't manage to agree upon a legally binding deal in Copenhagen. And I don't know how we should have prepared an actual treaty. Ban Ki-moon will preside the efforts to prepare a treaty from the month of September in New York. A deal of more than a hundred pages. So there's first this political accord in Copenhagen. Then both Europe and the United States want to turn the political accord into a treaty. Therefore France insists on a mid-way summit in Bonn. The political accord should lead to a treaty to be realized in Mexico next year. This treaty should include both China and India,’ the French president explains about the outlook for climate negotiations in 2010.
Paradoxically, it will take the Conference of The Parties (COP) a whole series of world wide travels and a huge amount of CO2 emissions in order to stop the CO2 emissions.
Counter-Capitalist Climate Coalition
Paradoxical News was once again paradoxed - isn't China (and formerly the Soviet Union and its heavy industry model in developing countries) among the heavy polluting countries with heavy industry, coal firing, and the highest CO2 emissions? And so asked Hugo Chavez, but was immediately knocked out by numbers:
'You can't compare these countries. China has a population of 1,4 billion inhabitants, and the United States about 300 millions,' Chavez rebuffed PN, albeit in the most charming way (China population 1,334,790,000, and USA 308,188,000, according to Chinese and US Official Population clocks as of December 2009).
The logic being - if you outweigh others by numbers, you're simply not responsible. In particular if you're a Socialist nation, as the argument went. A follow up to his rebuff was complicated by a Teflon-like surface that repelled counter-questioning, and a swift moving on through the press crowd. In the most charming way, of course.
COP15 At Bella Center
Achim Steiner appeared in the documentary film Hope In A Changing Climate by John D. Liu, film maker, environmental educator, writer, and speaker. Paradoxical News viewed the film on Thursday 17th in Copenhagen, presented by The Environmental Education Media Project/EEMP.
And on Friday at COP15 in Bella Center PN took the chance to ask Steiner about the various development programmes which included a reconstruction and development of the Loess Plateau earth terraces in China for the sustainability of the local population.
But how will projects like these make up for the coal production and CO2 emissions of China?
'This project was not necessarily intended to compensate for that. And let us remember that most countries did not know that they were incurring a problem of these planetary proportions when they went for fossil fueled power. So this was an ecosystem restoration project in order to deal with ecosystems, biodiversity, and livelyhood. But what we have said repetedly over the years in UNEP is that we must look at climate change and ecosystem loss in a connected way. In a systems perspective. Nature has perfected a process of carbon capture and storage over millions of years, in forrests, in peak lands, and in the oceans. Ecosystem stabilisation and restoration is part of dealing with carbon emissions and climate change, but it is also invested in the foundation of a productive landscape,' UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner explains.
Do you see the possibility, if making more development projects like this, that it will make China budge on the coal production and CO2 emissions?
'Not just China, every country can learn from these projects and should do more of them. I do not believe that China is by any means the only country that requires more investment in this,' Achim Steiner rounds up his argument about a comprehensive systems view.
So paradoxically sustainability is about more than looking into the weather report for answers. But rather taking an overall view on ecosystems, biodiversity, climate, food production, and livelyhood altogether. And they thought that COP15 was to be a quick fix!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Parliament-COP15 Conference Demonstration
Climate Activists At Large
Friday morning a demonstration had been arranged under the 'Don't buy the lie' slogan against the official COP15 arrangements in Bella Center - for doing too little in effect to combat climate change. It had been announced to take off from a central square in Copenhagen.
Demonstrators carried emblems to show their intent, here shown with a green ribbon for global initiatives and ecological climate solutions, and a red ribbon to mark a social radical change and demand corporate globalisation.
The demonstrators were divided into four groups: One to make noise, one to make banners and graffiti, one to occupy divers private companies considered to be particular climate sinners, and one last group to distract the police. And flyers were distributed with the route starting at Nytorv moving to Rådhuspladsen (City Hall Square), further to Forum on the other side of the lakes. But they never got further on their 15 point trail through Copenhagen, among them to Shell, Mærsk, and Bella Center (the COP15 conference centre).
As the police officer in charge noted, it hadn't been properly and formerly announced. So the police were there in great numbers to follow the moves of the couple of hundred demonstrators. The ambience was more or less like it is during the annual carnival, with drums, percussion, and shouts in unison. Nevertheless the police ended up arresting 75 demonstrators, of which 62 were visiting foreigners mostly from England, Germany, France, Austria, and Norway. The demonstrators were diffused by policemen prepared for combat, and the demonstration was dissolved at 13:30/1:30 PM.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Come To Copenhagen!
For further information about the Globe in Copenhagen, please see CEO James Lanier explain, see the Globe spin, and read about the interactive campaign here:
The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen - Global Observatory
Peace, Love, And Understanding!
Globe Update - Part Three
And the little green pins to mark these text messages keep coming in. Dial the word Globe to 1231 in Denmark. And the same word in the text internationally to +45 2762 2222 to participate and make the demonstrations candle lit, positive, peaceful, and constructive - please see:
Rent A Mob
That got me thinking. Tomorrow during the COP15 climate summit demonstrations are announced to take place to/from three different routes in Copenhagen. Some carrying torches. One group demonstration under the banner of Civil Disobediance. And these past few days the police has seized groups and confiscated instruments potentially used for violent protests. So what will happen tomorrow during the demonstrations? Will the civil disobediance be violent? Or will it live up to its original Gandhian meaning and intent of being a peaceful display of opinion?
Paradoxical News would love to be able to spend the text message income from the Globe at City Hall Square in Copenhagen, designated for a virtual demonstration. PN would like to Rent A Mob to show peaceful intent, carrying torches, candle lights, music. And to display a positive, constructive attitude. We have seen this happen many times over in Copenhagen. Please show up in full. And please win over the violence!
For further information about the virtual demonstration and the Globe, please see:
Meta-Comment No. 14
Do people in the PN readership ever consider that they only get half the version - if that! - of what has happened to the editor-in-chief during more than eight years? Here's just a small excerpt from the list (no tears or bitterness, just stating simple facts FYI):
- Lost a job and have been completely unable to get another for more than eight years, no matter what the efforts have been (never had longer periods without a job, most of the time had several jobs simultaneously, and never problems getting jobs before 2001)
- Have complied with all of the requirements in seeking jobs
- Had to close down a entrepreneurial company - one of the ways to keep busy and make it happen
- Tried all leads in the freelance area, unable to get jobs and projects that actually provide income to live off
- Lost all savings spent to live off and to search new opportunities
- Lost entire retirement plan and savings in the same quest
- Lost private home because unable to pay
- Lost co-operative housing association flat and all the value attached to it
- Have been unable to find new home, because there's always a block, no matter what the effort
- For six months without a permanent base, having to keep moving around with no basic own things around
- In NY having to move hotels on a daily basis, having to spend half of most days trying to get accomodation elsewhere, instead of being able to fully enjoy events and options
- Tried all possible contacts, people, friends to help out all along
- Lost contact with many people, because a person after losing everything is 'no fun' to be around
- Tried all leads and hints for journalistic stories, but no answers during these efforts (e.g. did try one 'major story lead' in August a zillion times, but no answer on the phone)
- Had to close down several computers, because they through more than eight years have been infected by trojans, spy mails, spyware - and on the fourth computer now (also infested)
- A bit difficult to apply for jobs and call people, when both computer and phone lines are infested
- E.g. met an editor-in-chief of major Danish newspaper at an event recently, and he had never heard of the person who answerred my mails to him (this has happened several times over)
- Everytime the PN editor tries to move into the network and the favourite direction where life, humanity, freedom, and tolerance is - the pressure only rises from the other side, with more destruction in terms of basic living conditions (food, home, income, etc)
- Have tried all leads for the major events during this and the past years, but with the consequence of always being stopped by similar blocks in basic living conditions at the same time
- Have lost one third of body weight from the normal, standard and average level (this I am told, is a serious alarm signal), because basic food consumption is impossible without an income
- At every attempt at doctor's appointment (for the sake of basic health), it turns out impossible
- At every attempt at getting housing throught public assistance, it is denied
- At every attempt at getting computer research aid (through police or elsewhere), it is denied
- At every attempt at getting legal counsel, it is denied (or being referred to people - who on investigation are not even lawyers or judicial persons)
- Though trying to keep in contact with friends and aquaintances, they are somehow always 'busy' elsewhere
Now, in you own fair and considered mind - would YOU be able to keep up the good spirit and a sense of humour? Would you still - after such and extended stress period of more than eight years - be able to go to town with an empty pocket, thinking 'I'm going to enjoy myself tonight?' Breaking down several times over in August. Without home, income, friends, close people, social life, job, basic food supply, health - basically living the life of a refugee in your own country - would YOU be able to go around happy-go-lucky, meanwhile being blamed for never doing the right things? Really?
PN would like to see those people, who could actually handle all of the above things at one and the same time, and still keep up trying. For more than eight years without a stop. Still keeping up the good spirit and with a smile. Or a humouristic sense writing PN. And PN is looking forward to seeing all of the above happen to people and friends the closest - just for a test. To see how it goes after more than eight years of the above. While we are waiting to see that test, PN will continue to produce paradoxical news. Tongue-in-cheek of course! Paradoxically, tragedy and humour have always been strange bed fellows.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Cut Up Poetry
Bend The Trend Performance
Last night I attended one of the cultural events during the COP15 summit on Kongens Nytorv in Copenhagen. French climber Antoine Le Menestrel made a symbolic climb from the top of the French embassy to the top of the neighbouring European Environment Agency/EEA. During this very impressive climb show he made his artistic contribution in order to Bend The Trend (of continued CO2 emissions and global warming) by manually bending a lightened curve on a graphic mural display.
And it became clear why he started at the top: he figuratively started at the top of the curve, bent it, and took it down to the level of the maximum rise of two degrees celsius, to be the end result and the deal sealed at the end of COP15. If only we could see world leaders hang from a wire in a girdle and do the same magic trick! Well, maybe next week we will see that.
For further information, please see:
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Global Update - Part Two
The globe is lit and interactive every day from 7th to 18th December, from 4PM-09AM (Danish time zone, GMT+1). Join the party, text or call to put your own little green pin on the Hopenhagen Live! interactive globe - and make the party even bigger!
Hopenhagen Live!
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Global Warning From The Melting Pot
At the opening was also, Klaus Bondam, Mayor of Technology and Environment in Copenhagen, and Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Director of the Environment Programme. The Seal the Deal supporting signatures will be handed over to the COP with recordings and photographs from people all over the world stored in a silver globe.
'It will be handed over in a symbolic gesture to the Conference of the Parties [COP]. Over a hundred heads over states are now coming, and I think it is partly because of this. People have expectations of their leaders, and these signatures is just one way of expressing the feeling, that we must act now on climate change,' Achim Steiner said.
Hopefully they will. Since this is what will happen, if not:
Thursday, 3 December 2009
You Must Say Thank You!!-henning-larsen_9788770557832
Please see the THX Alternative Award Speech list below:
Bridge Building Act
So if Republicans aren't politically tone deaf (and they shouldn't be), Obama's Health Care Reform becomes a reality before the end of this month. PN predicts that Republicans with both heart and head will vote for the reform plan, as well as the dissatisfied Democrats with both heart and head. This is the logic of the constant democratic balance act and the inevitable political trade-off, negotiated in any democracy: If you endanger the lives of troops abroad (though now more secure than before) - you must secure lives at home so much more. Votes will determine that. There will be no Jacksonian - without a share of Jeffersonian to balance it. WETHEPEOPLE will ensure that.
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Happy Jacksonian!
Obama will send another 30.000 troops for now. Because the threat of terror still hasn't diminished. But with American protests at home over loss of US troops - for how long will Obama choose to uphold security in the country with no limits for the US presence? Will he set the expected fixed date and present his exit strategy? Or will he speak up for peace, love, and understanding?
This is just another presidential dilemma. A dilemma of weighing different political issues and strategies against one another. Health care and economy at home. Climate and trade in a broader world perspective. And above them all hover American security issues. Obama is simply forced to a shift in presidential roles; from the Hamiltonian (international trade and negotiation), Wilsonian (develop democracies worldwide), and Jeffersonian (freedom and security at home) roles into the Jacksonian (protect US interests by force if necessary) presidential role. Please read the Walter Russell Mead analysis in the link below. Obama has to satisfy the two houses, the American public, the media, and the rest of the world - at the same time - while American interests are threatened. Like George W. Bush had to before him in the Iraq war, Clinton in the Balkan war, and George Bush Senior in Iraq as well.
Paradoxical News predicts that Obama will prevail, although moving in on the Jacksonian. And he will do so in a killer speech. Leaving no doubt about his decisiveness. But with a little bit of Hamiltonian, a little bit of Wilsonian, and a little bit of Jeffersonian in the mix. It's just his balancing his presidential role at play we are witnessing. Happy Jacksonian, Obama!
For further information, please see:
Sunday, 29 November 2009
A Momentary Lapse of Reason
Among the participants were Kenneth Plummer, Director General of the Danish Broadcasting Corporation; Lisbeth Knudsen, CEO of Berlingske Media; Per Mikael Jensen, vice-president and international editor-in-chief of Metro International, publisher of the free newspaper of MetroXpress and formerly CEO of Danish TV2; Jørn Mikkelsen editor-in-chief of newspaper Jyllands-Posten; Tøger Seidenfaden editor-in-chief of newspaper Politiken; Johannes Riis publisher at the book company of Gyldendal; Anne-Marie Dohm, principal of the Danish School of Media and Journalism; Henrik Dahl MBA, sociologist and commentator - and so many more in the media business.
Directly asked by PN, Kenneth Plummer of DR was certain that the future for DR was to hold on to the strongest brands in the portfolio, and mentioned the radio programme of P3 with pop and rock music, quizzes, and interactive programmes by way of using the social media; and DR2 the narrow tv channel with in-depth background news stories, interviews, debates, theme nights, and cultural magazines. Both clearly defined segments. These two constitute the programmes with the strongest hold on specific segments of the population - that aren't likely to shift easily to other programmes. To sum up: public service assuring democratic involvement on two entirely different levels: direct involvement and interactivity through P3, and formation of public opinion through DR2.
Lisbeth Knudsen of Berlingske Media saw no reason to whine about falling reader shares. She saw these years as a transformation period seing the light of day through involvement on several platforms. Making use of the internet, the social media, and the niche shares. Directly asked by PN, her strategy was to make narrow social media niche magazines - like interests for fishery, cars, whatever. Catching the users where they are in their everyday lives - and directing them towards the in-depth investigative journalism in the serious news publications of Berlingske through cross-promoting ads and links. Neither this, nor that. But all of it.
Per Mikael Jensen of Metro International saw a strong future for 'The House of Politiken' the foundation that runs two of the major players in the print news market: Politiken and Jyllands-Posten. With an emphasis on Politiken, simply for much the same reason as mentioned by Kenneth Plummer/DR: the brand is too strong for the readers to shift easily. However, he wouldn't be surprised if both Politiken and Berlingske on print would have a drop in circulation to about 50.000, which is more or less half of today's circulation. But he saw this as a momentary condition until the media had gotten hold on the internet and social media platforms.
Tøger Seidenfaden of Politiken mostly wanted to debate current events, and referred to his decision to publish the non-compromising contents (speaking in terms of security issues for the state) of the so-called Rathsack book about a former top gun’s experiences from the Ministry of Defense. He saw these kinds of controversial stories as necessary if the news media are to take their roles seriously in a democracy. As a dedicated supporter of the news media as a watchdog for society – as the fourth power of state. Politiken already makes extensive use of social media and interactivity with its readers/viewers/users on many platforms. Which keeps the democratic debates alive.
Jørn Mikkelsen of Jyllands-Posten proclaimed that he didn’t really believe in the role of the media as the fourth power of state. The business was mainly to inform the public. And to do so in a serious and credible fashion. He was asked by moderator Kurt Strand from DR2, though, what story in Jyllands-Posten had set the agenda through 2009. And could only mention the Rathsack-story – which had been all over the media as it was.
Johannes Riis of Gyldendal told the audience at the conference that he reads three daily morning papers – Berlingske Tidende, Jyllands-Posten, and Politiken – to keep updated. But called for more quality background stories to put the constant fast news flow into context. Or what he called the cut chaff of news stories. A mash of stories that is only fit for filling the stomach, but has no high nutritition value. He called for more insight and outlook in the future media. He called for more reasoning in the media. And welcomed the standard of niche media, like Information (Left wing independent) and Kristeligt Dagblad (Right wing independent).
Anne-Marie Dohm of Danish School of Media and Journalism saw the future journalist more like a full ranged media person that could work on all available platforms, and use all available tools in the box. Like tv journalists putting together all elements of a news segment from research, to interview, to graphics, to editing. A person fit to make the same story for print as well as for tv/radio and for the internet: The Versionist. Moderator Mette Vibe Utzon, news reporter at DR1 then reasoned about the amount of time to do all tasks, and asked for the examples of ‘Versionist Cavling Prize winners’ (the most prestigious Danish Journalism Award). Since these prizes are mostly given to print and tv journalists for investigative, in-depth researched stories. And where would the time come from, if Versionists had to piece all elements together including graphics? No clear answer was given, but some internet and blog news stories were mentioned.
Commentator Henrik Dahl put the Danish democracy and political scene into a sociological context. And saw the current government as a success, mainly because the coalition parties had managed to overthrow the former Relativist political strategies, typical for for instance the Social-Liberals (B). The reasoning that all things are balanced and equally good – red/blue, East/West, Muslims/Christians/Jews. He saw the success of The Danish People’s Party (O) as this new line that clearly marked a difference between good and bad. A return to a Universalist political strategy. Where reasoning is unnecessary. This way the electorate wouldn’t be in doubt. They would get clear answers to make their choices. And a well-defined destinction.
This goes for the political strategies as it goes for the media. The polarization into blocks of opposite views. Although the Universalist political strategy seemed to be the opposite of the Versionist media strategy of bits and pieces across the board. With no clearly defined lines. And no clearly targeted segments. Paradoxical News sought sense of the media business at the conference, but mostly found a momentary lapse of reason.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
I Am Lisbeth Salander
"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"
Monday night I saw a pre-premiere of the last film in the trilogy The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest in the ultimate premiere cinema of Imperial in Copenhagen. Where it opens tomorrow in Denmark - alongside a long list of other Danish cinemas. Go see this kick-ass film, where Lisbeth Salander is finally vindicated. Through justice. Poetic justice. The real Lisbeth Salander deserves as much.
For further information, please see:
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Liberal National Congress
’I think it was right of Lars [Løkke Rasmussen, chairmand of The Liberals and de facto PM] to set up concrete goals to head for. Not because it is important to be in the top-this-or-that, but because it provides a drive to set up a goal that you want to work towards,’ Anders Fogh Rasmussen said about the top ten goals for 2020 set up by Lars Løkke Rasmussen in his opening speech.
As far as goals for the current situation in Afghanistan, he said:
'We will pull out of Afghanistan once the people of Afghanistan are ready to take over the responsibility for the security in the country. We will help them to achieve that by educating the Afghan soldiers and police. But it is impossible to set a fixed date for that.'
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Top Ten of Top Tens
- Among the ten richest countries in the world measured by GDP/Gross Domestic Product per inhabitant (in 2008 we were no. 11 among OECD countries).
- Among the three best countries in the world in the field of entrepreneurship (in 2006 we were no. 12 among OECD countries).
- Among the ten highest ranking countries in the world in the field of work force (in 2008 we were no. 14).
- Among the five highest ranking countries in the world when it comes to educational skills of school children - in reading, mathematics, and natural sciences (in the 2006 PISA-list we were at the OECD average, and in 2002/03 no. 4 of eight European countries).
- At least have one in the top ten ranking universities in Europe according to the Times Higher Education ranking (in 2009 we were no. 15 in Europe, and no. 51 in the world, University of Copenhagen).
- Among the top ten when it comes to the human average life span (in 2007 we were no. 26 of 26 OECD countries).
- Among the top three countries in the world in the field of energy efficiency and the top ten countries with highest amount of renewable energy (in 2006 we were no. 4 among OECD countries).
- Among the best EU countries to integrate non-western immigrants, measured by the employment rate (in 2001 we had a an immigrant employment rate of 45 percent and in 57 percent).
- Among the lowest criminal rates in Europe (in 2005 we were the country with the fifth highest probability of a citizen being subjected to criminal offence of 18 EU countries).
- Among the five strongest economies in the world (in 2009 we are no. 4 in 25 OECD countries).
Not on the list, but suggested to be included on the list by a Liberal party member at the congress, were the soft values. Like being among the happiest people in the world. But, hey, they say we already are! At least, very happy with ourselves.
Value Revival - or Value Reversal?
’I would like to present to you the Liberal project for the next decade. I come to you with an open mind and ask: Shouldn't we jointly set up and achieve these goals?’
And then joined his troops around the so-called Danish Dream - which he saw as both a parallel and a contrast to the American Dream:
It was exactly this dream about fairness that researcher in political history Lars Hovbakke Sørensen, external associate professor at the University of Aarhus, saw as a revival of the political focus at the centre of Danish politics:
’It can be seen as a signal to be centre-focussed on the economic distribution of wealth on one hand to favour the Social Democrat side of the Danish electorate. And on the other hand to move towards the right on the values in order to favour the Conservative side of the Danish electorate,' Lars Hovbakke Sørensen explains.
As Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself put it during the national congress:
’We live in times where the people of '68 have settled with authorities – unfortunately also with the healthy authorities. We are now paying the price for that. And we must correct this!’
The Liberal Freedom Award 2009 was given to a local soccer club for its local social responsibility efforts to integrate local immigrants and juvenile delinquents through positive activities. This political historian Lars Hovbakke Sørensen saw as a way of signalling a Right wing value revival:
’It is a clear symbol of the political value line. They gave the price to the soccer club, because they want to signal, that the political value line reflects the concrete political initiatives. It is a clear signal that the value line - until now absent from the first period under Lars Løkke - will now revert.’
Political historian Hovbakke Sørensen furthermore puts this into a historic context:
’We saw the same thing happening during the Schlüter-government, when it didn't follow a strict value line. Then we saw the Fremskridtspartiet [which later split and reconstituted as The Danish People's Party (O)]. And furthermore during the 1960’ies under VKR coalition [Liberals, Conservatives, and Social-Liberals], where the political line wasn't Conservative enough, because the Social-Liberals joined the coalition. So the value line is important if they want to win the next election,’ Hovbakke Sørensen extends his argument - referring to a period where the abortion rules were liberated and the free pornography was introduced in Denmark.
It must be said that Lars Hovbakke Sørensen is known for a debate line to support Conservative and People's Party concepts. So Paradoxical News was paradoxed by the absense of other commentators to say the same thing. PN wasn't entirely convinced, and so asked another expert:
And Jens Hoff, Professor in political communication from the University of Copenhagen, doesn't find the same tendency in Lars Løkke Rasmussen's speech - nor in his political line.
'I don't think that Lars Løkke is a great value strategist - he is more of a pragmatic hands-on bureaucrat. I think that his speech and his ten goals witnessed a new line to reverse the former stringent value line under Anders Fogh Rasmussen. There are practically no value signals in these very concrete goals. And he opens up towards a broader collaboration accross the board,' Jens Hoff analyses the Liberal line put forward at the national congress.
Whether value revival or value reversal - Lars Løkke Rasmussen did come out of his bureaucratic political shop with his (I have a) Danish Dream speech. A bit more statesman-like. With bits and pieces for the local crowds and his Liberal troops in the back country.