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Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Happy Jacksonian!

Tonight we will learn about the future US presidential strategy for Afghanistan. Everyone is holding his/her breath. As seen below the Nato/Danish strategy is to stay in Afghanistan for as long as it takes for the Afghan police and soldiers to take over the responsibility themselves. With a joint Danish opposition of The Social Democrats (A), The Social Liberals (B), and The Socialist People's Party (F) fighting the no limits strategy.

Obama will send another 30.000 troops for now. Because the threat of terror still hasn't diminished. But with American protests at home over loss of US troops - for how long will Obama choose to uphold security in the country with no limits for the US presence? Will he set the expected fixed date and present his exit strategy? Or will he speak up for peace, love, and understanding?

This is just another presidential dilemma. A dilemma of weighing different political issues and strategies against one another. Health care and economy at home. Climate and trade in a broader world perspective. And above them all hover American security issues. Obama is simply forced to a shift in presidential roles; from the Hamiltonian (international trade and negotiation), Wilsonian (develop democracies worldwide), and Jeffersonian (freedom and security at home) roles into the Jacksonian (protect US interests by force if necessary) presidential role. Please read the Walter Russell Mead analysis in the link below. Obama has to satisfy the two houses, the American public, the media, and the rest of the world - at the same time - while American interests are threatened. Like George W. Bush had to before him in the Iraq war, Clinton in the Balkan war, and George Bush Senior in Iraq as well.

Paradoxical News predicts that Obama will prevail, although moving in on the Jacksonian. And he will do so in a killer speech. Leaving no doubt about his decisiveness. But with a little bit of Hamiltonian, a little bit of Wilsonian, and a little bit of Jeffersonian in the mix. It's just his balancing his presidential role at play we are witnessing. Happy Jacksonian, Obama!

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