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Thursday, 10 December 2009

Meta-Comment No. 14

FYI. The dire straits are no recent events. It didn't 'just' start two-three years ago. The pressure was beginning to get the hardest more than eight years ago. So the game is not new. Hence, the original PN status of the current situation from two years ago sounded: It appears that no matter what I do, I can't get through. But I still have to get through.

Do people in the PN readership ever consider that they only get half the version - if that! - of what has happened to the editor-in-chief during more than eight years? Here's just a small excerpt from the list (no tears or bitterness, just stating simple facts FYI):

  • Lost a job and have been completely unable to get another for more than eight years, no matter what the efforts have been (never had longer periods without a job, most of the time had several jobs simultaneously, and never problems getting jobs before 2001)
  • Have complied with all of the requirements in seeking jobs
  • Had to close down a entrepreneurial company - one of the ways to keep busy and make it happen
  • Tried all leads in the freelance area, unable to get jobs and projects that actually provide income to live off
  • Lost all savings spent to live off and to search new opportunities
  • Lost entire retirement plan and savings in the same quest
  • Lost private home because unable to pay
  • Lost co-operative housing association flat and all the value attached to it
  • Have been unable to find new home, because there's always a block, no matter what the effort
  • For six months without a permanent base, having to keep moving around with no basic own things around
  • In NY having to move hotels on a daily basis, having to spend half of most days trying to get accomodation elsewhere, instead of being able to fully enjoy events and options
  • Tried all possible contacts, people, friends to help out all along
  • Lost contact with many people, because a person after losing everything is 'no fun' to be around
  • Tried all leads and hints for journalistic stories, but no answers during these efforts (e.g. did try one 'major story lead' in August a zillion times, but no answer on the phone)
  • Had to close down several computers, because they through more than eight years have been infected by trojans, spy mails, spyware - and on the fourth computer now (also infested)
  • A bit difficult to apply for jobs and call people, when both computer and phone lines are infested
  • E.g. met an editor-in-chief of major Danish newspaper at an event recently, and he had never heard of the person who answerred my mails to him (this has happened several times over)
  • Everytime the PN editor tries to move into the network and the favourite direction where life, humanity, freedom, and tolerance is - the pressure only rises from the other side, with more destruction in terms of basic living conditions (food, home, income, etc)
  • Have tried all leads for the major events during this and the past years, but with the consequence of always being stopped by similar blocks in basic living conditions at the same time
  • Have lost one third of body weight from the normal, standard and average level (this I am told, is a serious alarm signal), because basic food consumption is impossible without an income
  • At every attempt at doctor's appointment (for the sake of basic health), it turns out impossible
  • At every attempt at getting housing throught public assistance, it is denied
  • At every attempt at getting computer research aid (through police or elsewhere), it is denied
  • At every attempt at getting legal counsel, it is denied (or being referred to people - who on investigation are not even lawyers or judicial persons)
  • Though trying to keep in contact with friends and aquaintances, they are somehow always 'busy' elsewhere

Now, in you own fair and considered mind - would YOU be able to keep up the good spirit and a sense of humour? Would you still - after such and extended stress period of more than eight years - be able to go to town with an empty pocket, thinking 'I'm going to enjoy myself tonight?' Breaking down several times over in August. Without home, income, friends, close people, social life, job, basic food supply, health - basically living the life of a refugee in your own country - would YOU be able to go around happy-go-lucky, meanwhile being blamed for never doing the right things? Really?

PN would like to see those people, who could actually handle all of the above things at one and the same time, and still keep up trying. For more than eight years without a stop. Still keeping up the good spirit and with a smile. Or a humouristic sense writing PN. And PN is looking forward to seeing all of the above happen to people and friends the closest - just for a test. To see how it goes after more than eight years of the above. While we are waiting to see that test, PN will continue to produce paradoxical news. Tongue-in-cheek of course! Paradoxically, tragedy and humour have always been strange bed fellows.