What did happen - and what was reported by the Prime Minister was good news for the economically drained: as of June the public special retirement funds will be released for payment. And good news for the municipalities. Since the government plans to ease on the fixed ceiling for the initial expenditures for construction in the municipalities - i.e. for schools, nurseries, homes for the elderly. Good news from the viewpoint of particularly the opposition, first and foremost The Social Democrats (A), The Socialist People's Party (F), and The Red-Green Alliance (Ø). Although they would probably have preferred making this announcement themselves. But such is the paradox of being in opposition to an adroit cat.
Anders Fogh Rasmussen also commented at length about the gang violence in the streets of Copenhagen, with wild shootings of particularly immigrant youth gangs and Hell's Angels - fighting over the narcotics market. He condemned these shootings and violent attacks in strong terms, suggesting a government plan to stop these. Primarily through extended police presence in the streets, tougher punishment, extended possibility of expulsions, extended possibility of phone tapping, tougher parental injunctions - for instance liability to pay for damages - and extra preventive meassures to help immigrant youths out of the gangs. This will no doubt please the tough-on-crime government party of The Conservatives (C) and the supporting party of The Danish People's Party (O).
And as pointed out by a member of the press, there was even good news for Anders Fogh Rasmussen himself: He is soon to become a grandfather, and is looking forward to this new multitasking duty. All in all something for everybody. Except for the dogs.
For a more elaborate overview of the political scene in Denmark, please see: