People don't want to pay for news. They just want to be roughly informed. Hence the market of free newspapers. Hence the internet news publications. As a journalist, I can get well-paid offers writing one-sidedly about different issues. Or not. This brings me to today's journalistic paradox: why do so many uncritical magazines and publications emerge that employ journalists - where they could simply do with information people? Why do journalists occupy information people's positions at all? And why do information people occupy journalistic positions? An upside-down media world. Riding on a wave of ignorance.
Only those who truly want to get educated and wiser after reading news are willing to pay for a niche publication. Such are the conditions. And today's radio show about people and the media - people in the media, Mennesker og Medier with DR journalist Lasse Jensen, debated this with editor in chief of the weekly letter of Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen, Erik Rasmussen. Much like its counterpart - the weekly letter of Ugebrevet A4, published by the union and labour market player of LO - the weekly letter focuses on societal, economical, and political issues with thorough analyses each week. And has a readership of politicians, decision makers, and media people. The publication is not free - it is actually quite costly, with special offers for students. But some people are willing to pay for knowledge. Still.
Only those who truly want to get educated and wiser after reading news are willing to pay for a niche publication. Such are the conditions. And today's radio show about people and the media - people in the media, Mennesker og Medier with DR journalist Lasse Jensen, debated this with editor in chief of the weekly letter of Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen, Erik Rasmussen. Much like its counterpart - the weekly letter of Ugebrevet A4, published by the union and labour market player of LO - the weekly letter focuses on societal, economical, and political issues with thorough analyses each week. And has a readership of politicians, decision makers, and media people. The publication is not free - it is actually quite costly, with special offers for students. But some people are willing to pay for knowledge. Still.