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Saturday, 31 October 2009

The Music of Chance

Random encounters. Random events. Random acts of kindness. These notes make up the music of chance. Much like the acclaimed 1990 novel The Music of Chance by Paul Auster, made into the 1993 film with Mandy Patinkin and James Spader in leading roles, Paradoxical News has two main characters in employment, Pozzi and Nashe. The impulsive and temperamental who takes high risks, but doesn't accept the mishaps of chance. And the phlegmatic who works patiently and enduringly, in acceptance of the chances and misfortunes that life throws. Both are in play. In the book. And at PN. Events take off from a card game gone wrong, but forget about the card game and read the characters. The Music of Chance is on the PN trail of books to enjoy, live by, and to learn from.