Paradoxical News again knocked at the current political barometer. And this week was one of great concern for the environment and climate - in Denmark and in the World.
Tuesday, Minister of the Environment, Troels Lund Poulsen from The Liberals (V), presented his plan for environmental developments at an industry conference before the upcoming COP15 this December. The CCN (Copenhagen Climate Network) conference at the Copenhagen City Hall was represented by a wide range of interest groups. Among them the public transportation system in Denmark, DSB, car manufacturing companies, taxi companies, and from the health organisations - cancer research institutes and allergy interest groups.
Although the public transportation system of DSB presented a plan for electric car stations connected to the train systems, it appeared to be a very strategic (far future) idea. So with a paradoxical large representation of car manufacurers in the traditional gasoline and diesel sense of the word, it was relevant to ask the minister why there wasn't too much focus on electric cars, and how the government plans to ensure that consumers will go for the green energy choice, when buying and driving privately - please see article on electric car Kermit on these pages So Paradoxical News did.
'The government plans to make a reform on the tax system as part of the green transportation concept. So when going through the registration fee system, we will also go through some of the issues of environmental and energy efficiency. We will look at a system that comprises truck and bus transportation, and private cars. This debate will be launched in 2012,' the Minister of Environment replied.
Why not now?
'Because it is a major reform, and because a reform of the registration system demands a comprehensive analysis programme will be launched first,' Troels Lund Poulsen explained.
From 2007 to 2012 the current registration fees are relieved to favour purchases of electric cars. But since not many electric cars and plug in stations are available, the prospects for green energy cars are some years into the future - and the effective electric car purchases few. The paradox being: The plan of the reform is probably postponed for a future government to bring into effect.
But as was also presented at the conference were research studies to show a connection between air pollution from exhaust particles (CO, NO2, NOx) - and a high rise in numbers of hospitalisations of young children and the elderly to the lung- and heart disease departments. The treatment of which is a major cost to society. These health issues are also why a long term plan is necessary.
Wednesday, Copenhagen Climate Council (CCC), arranged by the executive weekly letter of Ugebrevet Mandag Morgen held another conference with business leaders in the energy sector: Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE USA, Anders Eldrup, CEO of DONG Energy Denmark, and Connie Hedegaard, Minister of Climate and Energy, from The Conservatives (C) among others.
The purpose was to lay the ground for COP15 in December. And the questions were mostly about the plans for a binding agreement. Paradoxical News had a chance to ask Jeff Immelt about GE's plans for investments not only in the cap and trade system (CDM/Clean Development Mechanism, whereby any company can buy CO2 quotas in other countries to balance their CO2 balance sheet), but also in green energy transportation on the US home market. If it is not a paradox that companies this way buy peace of mind, as it were, somewhere else in the world instead of investing wholeheartedly in green energy and electric cars at home?
'It is a very fair comment. You can criticise cap and trade, because you can buy allocations and lay investments somewhere else, the cap and trade system isn't perfect, but it facilitates investments in new technology. And if you match that with commitment to the environment, like the reduction of green house gases by 2020 and 2050, if you do all that, then you've got something,' Jeff Immelt responded.
And regarding the question of electric cars?
'GE has made substantial investments in battery technology, we both have technology to go into the Olympic car and we also have technology for energy storage and more renewable energy. Our investments are fundamentally in the US, but if you look at patents in Korea, Japan, China they are racing ahead. So GE plans to launch investments in battery technology,' the GE CEO explained.
Paradoxical News asked Connie Hedegaard, Minister of Climate and Energy (C) why the current government postpones a more ambitious plan for the registration tax system, designed to push forward the electric cars on the Danish market - and she made this comment as to the government's plans to pave the way for electric cars:
'The Danish government has been among the first to go ahead and make registration tax reliefs from 2007 and up until 2012, so we are far ahead on electric cars. And then there is a debate as to how to prolong this. We have already said until 2015 when a new system for electric cars is launched. Then we will ensure that there will be a stimulus for the consumers to buy electric cars,' Connie Hedegaard assured. A statement that is confirmed by the Danish Ministry of Taxation.
So for a world climate update it is probably safer to look into the future planner than to knock on the barometer.