Film documentarist Christoffer Guldbrandsen maintains in the film magazine and in the major Danish dailies, that the information about the leak in connection with his documentary is valid, and that it came from the spin doctor of Minister of Defence Søren Gade - Jacob Winther. He maintains that he has a recording of the leak. The spin doctor denies the allegations and threatens through his lawyer Guldbrandsen with a civil law suit.
For security reasons in the Ministry of Defence, this could have severe consequences for minister Gade. Since the onset of the so-called Gade-Gate, both main characters - Jacob Winther and Christoffer Guldbrandsen - have been in radio silence themselves since the beginning of last week. Leaving all press communication to their lawyers. Leaving all comments to all other mentioned and implied persons, from TV2 political reporters to Minister of Defence, Søren Gade.
Paradoxical News managed to make a hole through to the central person, spin doctor Jacob Winther, just before this weekend (just before his threat about the civil law suit, and just before speaking with minister Gade about the issue). Here's how he responded to the allegations:
Do you understand why you're the suspect of the leak as a spin doctor and special counsel to Søren Gade?
'I told Ritzau (news agency), that I won't get into why I am suspected, and who believes what and why.'
Why would Guldbrandsen point to you, if it has no bearing? And isn't it natural that suspicion falls on you in your capacity as political advisor and spin doctor?
'I can't say what is natural and what is not. I never talked with Guldbrandsen, so I don't know what he bases this on and what he will do.'
Apparently that you made a call to Rasmus Tantholdt from TV2?
'It doesn't change the fact that I never talked to Guldbrandsen, and I have no idea why he puts this forward. I can't comment any further, and I don't want to make an interview about what I believe, what the motive could be, and why Guldbrandsen says as he does. But I would have liked to talk with Ekko, if they had called me before printing their article. But they didn't. If you give air time to someone with an undocumented allegation - I find that strange.'
Can't you recognize the widespread thought, in your capacity as special political advisor, that people point to you?
'Not really. But I've found, that when you have a title as special advisor, you can get yourself involved in practically anything. I don't understand it, but this is how it has turned out.'
But your response is that the leak did not come from you?
'Yes, I said that to anyone who wants to listen to me.'
Later, the information came that Guldbrandsen had the leak on tape - through his lawyer. What remains to be seen (heard) is this tape that Guldbrandsen claims to prove the leak. And it will not be publicized before an actual trial, according to Guldbrandsen's lawyer.
To leak information that has bearings on the security for Danish soldiers on a mission could give up to 12 years of prison in Denmark. There is no protection of sources in effect if the potential crime could give more than four years of prison. And the potential time Guldbrandsen could face is a couple of years of prison for slander, aggrevated because of Winther's public position in a ministry. PN tried to get comments from minister Søren Gade, film maker Christoffer Guldbrandsen, and editor-in-chief of the film magazine Ekko - with no such luck, because of a pending law suit. Paradoxically most other Danish media got comments from Søren Gade, whereas PN got from the central person, but not the others involved. What is Paradoxical News - if not paradoxical?
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