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Friday, 22 January 2010

Second Life News Flash

He's just sitting there all day, playing online games with his game figure. A virtual female human figure. Right now his game figure is out on an outpost, out on a ban, and she's just waiting to revive and re-enter battle. The female game figure has survived over and over again and can block deadly attacks with a 75 percent guarantee. A cat with - at least! - nine lives. The man playing has no real life beside the game.

As much as you can choose to celebrate the virtual second (third, fourth, and...) lives of these game figures, it is just that - virtual second lives. Paradoxically not many people celebrate people who survive hard blows on their lives, or deadly diseases threatening to end these lives. Real lives. So here's a second life news flash: Some people have second lives - in real life. Let's celebrate that instead.