Apart from the spin around it, Gade-Gate itself is at a stand-still while the police investigation goes on. Paradoxical News tried to get a comment from the one responsible for another investigation about the so-called special force soldier book (Jægerbogen) by former special force soldier from the defence in the fall of 2009, i.e. the man in charge from the judge advocate, Peter Otken, but he only had short comments:
'The judge advocate carries out investigations along the same lines as the Administration of Justice Act, like the police investigations. It is not until a file is taken to court that there is a duty to give liable explanations,’ he says.
How come that it is not left to the judge advocate to carry out a more thorough investigation of the leak in the Ministry of Defence?
'The judge advocate carries out investigations along the same lines as the Administration of Justice Act, like the police investigations. It is not until a file is taken to court that there is a duty to give liable explanations,’ he says.
How come that it is not left to the judge advocate to carry out a more thorough investigation of the leak in the Ministry of Defence?
’I can't explain that, but the judge advocate has the competence to investigate suspicion of punishable offences. And if you simply don't know who the culprit is, that must be the reason why the informer has turned the matter over to the police in Copenhagen. But I'm not in charge of that matter,’ Peter Otken explains.
Hasn't there been an internal debate whether the judge advocate should carry out that investigation?
’I have no knowledge of that. Contrary to the other case, where I'm in charge of the investigation and can make statements - I have no knowledge and therefore can't comment in this particular case,’ the judge advocate rounds up by giving information about the so-called Jægebog-case:
The Jægerbog-investigation and report from it was expected some time during the month of February. But so far the officially appointed examiner for the two main witnesses from the Ministry of Defence (Jesper Britze, IT-responsible, and Lars Sønderskov, in charge of communications) has taken a prolonged vacation out of the country in February. Which means that the witnesses paradoxically can't be interrogated. So according to Peter Otken the final report of the investigation is not to be expected before earliest after the end of February - and no one could say, says Peter Otken, if the case will drag out even further.
Two seperate investigations, possibly several trials, and lots of spin down the road. Gade-Gate is still on the move.
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