Once you go black...
Most people know the ending to the above phrase. It is most often used in a suggestive reference to the colour of skin, or in an even more suggestive joke of a sexual nature. Here, it is strictly used in a context where it refers to what we can call 'The Dark Side'. Yes, there are quite of few fictitious references to that one! The side where your grudges over whatever turns you towards vengeance to someone. Who in turn turns towards vengeance to someone else. Once you go to the dark side, there is no turning back, this would imply. My suggestion is that there is.
I can't read peoples' minds. Can you? I might have hurt people, I was unaware of hurting. People might have helped me without my knowing. If you leave things up to chances, chances are exactly that: you can't be thanked for it, and you might be misread. Does that give a right to vengeance?
I'm in the worst possible situation, because I kept my mouth shut about someone who continuously and for an extended period destroyed me. I'm the silent whistleblower. And although I probably should have asked for my 'pound of flesh', as it were - I didn't. I had a choice, and I didn't turn to 'The Dark Side'. But to 'Live and Let Live'. It's much like taking the wrong train - you simply get off. Paradoxically, because I didn't turn towards vengeance over it, but simply walked away, it has had continued severe consequences for my life. And if you don't seek revenge, no one can know the truth. At least not the full scale of it. Ask yourself: does that give a right to vengeance?
Once you go black - there IS a way of turning back.......
Most people know the ending to the above phrase. It is most often used in a suggestive reference to the colour of skin, or in an even more suggestive joke of a sexual nature. Here, it is strictly used in a context where it refers to what we can call 'The Dark Side'. Yes, there are quite of few fictitious references to that one! The side where your grudges over whatever turns you towards vengeance to someone. Who in turn turns towards vengeance to someone else. Once you go to the dark side, there is no turning back, this would imply. My suggestion is that there is.
I can't read peoples' minds. Can you? I might have hurt people, I was unaware of hurting. People might have helped me without my knowing. If you leave things up to chances, chances are exactly that: you can't be thanked for it, and you might be misread. Does that give a right to vengeance?
I'm in the worst possible situation, because I kept my mouth shut about someone who continuously and for an extended period destroyed me. I'm the silent whistleblower. And although I probably should have asked for my 'pound of flesh', as it were - I didn't. I had a choice, and I didn't turn to 'The Dark Side'. But to 'Live and Let Live'. It's much like taking the wrong train - you simply get off. Paradoxically, because I didn't turn towards vengeance over it, but simply walked away, it has had continued severe consequences for my life. And if you don't seek revenge, no one can know the truth. At least not the full scale of it. Ask yourself: does that give a right to vengeance?
Once you go black - there IS a way of turning back.......