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Friday, 19 March 2010

US Healthcare Reform Vote

These next few days are important for the Healthcare reform bill in USA. It will be a historic chance to realize a project that has gone on for decades, and to ensure health care coverage for more than 30 million Americans currently not covered. Most of it in deals with insurance companies anyway, only with extended security. The vote in the House is expected this weekend, most likely Sunday, and I just spoke with a friend in Virginia who explained about the heavy campaigning for the success of the vote for it. With the two different versions of a reform bill already passed in the House and in the Senate, the call is the closest in many years.

It takes 216 votes of 431 to pass, with 40 Democrats of different persuan primarily in play. Some are leaning Democrats, some so-called Blue Dog Conservatives on fiscal issues, and some are wholehearted and solid Democrats without doubt on the Healthcare reform issue. In Virginia for instance, two Democrats voted no in November, Rick Boucher and Glenn Nye, leaning Democrat Boucher in a district won by McCain and tossup Nye in a district won by Obama. Both a swing voters. Other states have swing voters on both Democrat and Republican sides. See the statistics in the link below.

Where do you go for clarification when all the political arguments fly high and low? If not the experts? Macro economist Paul Krugman, professor and a Nobel Prize winner, writes about the arguments and misinformation on the issue of Healthcare reform in The New York Times. And he refers to a House committe that found that health cover insurance companies had made profits in the order of 150 million dollars from 2003-2007 by cancelling coverage for people who needed healthcare treatment. Please read his comments on the issue below.

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