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Saturday, 22 November 2008

Environ-Mental Paradox

Hardly had the Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen from The Liberals (V) announced his being as green as grass, and that he had possibly made a mistake in the previous years of government on the environmental issues - and received his applauses from his own supporters at the annual congress in Herning last Sunday - before the opposition held him responsible to his exclamations and acclamations. See blog-article

Soon after even members of his coalition party of The Conservatives (C) tried to win back some of their actual political work this past year, particularly comments in the press by Connie Hedegaard, Minister for Climate and Energy, whose ministerial responsibility and effort has laid the ground for Anders Fogh Rasmussen's bold statements on energy and the environment.

And now the paradox in this sudden change in environmental concern is that the very same government of The Liberals and The Conservatives has granted the economically thinking head of Copenhagen Consensus, Bjørn Lomborg, an additional 5 million DKK, i.e. 7,5 million DKK next year through the just finished budget negociations for 2009. This is the man who is globally known for being in environmental denial and suggests that it won't really pay to solve the environmental issues now - better wait until science (maybe) comes up with better ideas. Some time in the future. And then solve some other issues now instead. much for progressive green thinking.

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