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Monday, 17 November 2008

Stealing Bases

Paradox: Yesterday at the annual national congress of The Liberal Party of Denmark (V), prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen announced that he had gone green. Presenting a strategic programme for green economy, through environmental, energy, and climate policies. In other words he is stealing the base of the opposition parties of The Socialist People's Party (SF), The Red-Green Alliance (Ø), The Social Democrats (S), and partly The Danish Social Liberal Party (R) on the tax financing issue - and yet presenting the idea as his own. Just like that. Even boldly admitting to his own and the party's fighting almost every proposed environmental effort in the past seven years of government. Today, the opposition is fighting back. The energy spokes person of The Social Democrats (S), Mette Gjerskov, now raises the stakes: Why only set aside 25 million DKK for solar and wave energy - if The Liberals mean anything by it? Inviting to further negociations on the issue. Stealing bases right back.

For further information:

For a more elaborate overview of the political scene in Denmark, please see: