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Sunday, 14 December 2008

Meta-Comment No. 4

Why Paradoxical News? Now and again readers of this blog have commented on the contents and looked at me in a baffled way. With all that I know and can? The answer is as simple as it is paradoxical. That is one of the very reasons. Apparently, and much debated, there is no room in the industry for the story behind the story. The real story to tell. If journalists were alert they could have such a story.

The media industry is often accused of housing bewildered chickens running around for the first and most inflammatory story. A scandal. A conflict. Someone to expose. They search the bad-rapping, the intrigue. Someone exposed on the internet, in online communities, or through e-mails. Not stopping to think again: is this really true? Could there be another story behind it, we're missing? You know - being a journalist. There may be some journalists like that, but also many very sharp ones. Unfortunately they are more and more left to do their journalistic investigations as solo projects - in books. Or in other media.

Another important reason for the concept of this blog is this: I simply reflect what I'm confronted with. When the media industry and journalists are more occupied with intrigue and game playing than reporting and analysis, how can my reflection be anything other than paradoxical? The so-called fourth power of the state. Does this label still suit the industry? I mirror the media industry in this blog. From the very real stories to the maybe not so real ones. Both types are in here. But I label the product accordingly: Paradoxical News.

Look no further than to these blog segments for answers: