Eat less, exercise more - stop smoking. Did you make your New Year's resolution - and plan to keep it this time around? Most resolutions seem to focus on personal fitness and health. But here's a lady who doesn't need much introduction to the Danish educated elites, but may need a little one to others: Ms. Marlene Wind is a Ph.d. and associate professor at the University of Copenhagen - leader of the Centre for European Politics. And she suggests a more ambitious set of resolutions. She has a bold plan.
So get over your hangover. In the Ideas section in the first edition of the (elitist) newspaper of Weekendavisen, she has a resolution for government officers and the elected ones: she wants them to get further educated in political science. And in constitutional and international laws. The reason for this is the much debated handling of court cases and passing of laws on a collision course with international laws and conventions. Paradox: didn't we elect these people because they were supposed to know their business of governing?
The trouble stems - in her opinion - from the majority form of democracy. If there's a majority - it must be good. Just like in the '30ies in Europe, she argues, referring to several dictators who came into power - elected by a majority of people. Instead she refers to constitutional democracy leaning more on national and international laws and conventions. As a safety valve. Well, there's one big thing to tick off on the 2009 To Do List. To get educated!
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So get over your hangover. In the Ideas section in the first edition of the (elitist) newspaper of Weekendavisen, she has a resolution for government officers and the elected ones: she wants them to get further educated in political science. And in constitutional and international laws. The reason for this is the much debated handling of court cases and passing of laws on a collision course with international laws and conventions. Paradox: didn't we elect these people because they were supposed to know their business of governing?
The trouble stems - in her opinion - from the majority form of democracy. If there's a majority - it must be good. Just like in the '30ies in Europe, she argues, referring to several dictators who came into power - elected by a majority of people. Instead she refers to constitutional democracy leaning more on national and international laws and conventions. As a safety valve. Well, there's one big thing to tick off on the 2009 To Do List. To get educated!
For further information, see: