'The market signals are wrong', was one of the points made by the former US Vice President. His point being that market signals have effects on the future for human beings, so it is important that these signals should reflect human interests - not business interests - since 'Mother nature does not do bailouts' - indirectly referring to the financial crisis bail-outs. And he did not omit to mention John Maynard Keynes as an economic inspiration (who saw government control of private enterprise, and public intervention as necessary for growth).
One of the paradoxical one-liners heard a couple of times before was still effective:
'If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. We have to go far - quickly'. This way encouraging leaders of private companies to work in partnerships with governements around the world - to concentrate the purpose of this business summit in a nutshell. And aiming his address to political leaders: 'We know that political will is a renewable resource' - this way going full circle in his message.