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Saturday, 23 May 2009

Future News = No News

What's up with the news in the future? If it looks this grim already, it would be a case of nice to know - if not need to know. During this week's conference on news journalism at DR, we had a look into the crystal ball of news. In the panel future researcher Anne Skare Nielsen from the institute of Future Navigator gave her best bid:

In the future, we will be so fed up with products, possibilities, options, information, news, channels, good stories, satisfier services, and gadgets - that we will be looking for peace and tranquility. So what will really be our need, won't be services, news, and information - but rather instruments for dealing with them. We will need navigation tools. To get what we really need. Apparently future news will be - no news. According to Anne Skare Nielsen tomorrow's scarce commodities will be:

Attention, peace of mind, relations, to do good, absorption, concentration, confidence, passion, originality, and people will be looking for MY story. Here's my paradoxical bewilderment: Isn't that 'future' already here - and hasn't that been the case for quite some years in our highly mediated, 2.0 society?